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Welcome to

The Busy Bee Class!

For 1- and 2-year-olds

(and must be at least 18 months old)

  Our "Toddler Teaching Time" is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-12:30pm.  Our program is based on New York State Day Care Regulations, The Creative Curriculum and our own philosophy of education. In the Busy Bee Class, the main goals for children are social, language, and motor development skills.  

     We know toddlers are explorers and they learn best through play and socialization. They are becoming more independent and sometimes their wants and needs bear no interference from others. Therefore, sharing, waiting for a turn and other cooperative skills are modeled and encouraged at Pave The Way.

      Language development is crucial for toddlers as it helps them express feelings and needs related to other areas of development. The teachers in the room are willing to listen, talk to the children and patiently answer the many questions that are asked of them throughout the day.

      Motor development is ongoing within the toddler program. Children are provided with appropriate opportunities to further develop large and small motor skills. Music and movement are done throughout the day in addition to outside time where the children can just be Busy Bees!

Toddler Schedule:

7:30 AM - 8:30

Arrival/Free Choice

8:30 - 9:00

Hand Washing/ Breakfast Snack/

Diaper Changes

9 - 9:15

Books and Puzzles

9:15 - 9:30

Circle Time/

Dance and Movement

9:30 - 10

Centers and Teaching Time

10 - 10:45

Outside Play

10:45 - 11:30

Hand Washing/ Snack/

Teacher-Directed Activities

11:30 - 12:00 PM

Hand Washing/ Lunch/

Diaper Changes


Library Options and

Prepare for Pick-up

**This is a typical day in the toddler room; however we will adjust the schedule to meet a child's needs at any point throughout the day. And, although there are scheduled times for hand washing and diaper changes, they will both take place as needed throughout the day as described in NYS OCFS Regulations.**

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